Career Development
The array of career choices within the field of child and adolescent psychiatry is dazzling: would you like to do subspecialty training, such as a forensic or infant psychiatry fellowship, embark on a research career, start a private practice, or become knowledgeably in community psychiatry? The career paths of several AACAP members are featured here. We hope their stories will help you navigate the richness of our field and decide what might be the most suitable career choice for you.
AACAP members share their personal career paths in child and adolescent psychiatry in the following subspecialties: academic psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, infant psychiatry, psychoanalysis, and systems of care.
Learn how to expand and enrich your career as an early career psychiatrist with a voluntary faculty appointment.
Economics of Being a Child Psychiatrist
Whether preparing to start your own private practice, negotiating a contract, or getting a jump on planning for retirement, a satisfying career in child psychiatry requires an understanding of the economics of medicine. These basic nuts and bolts are not often taught in formal training. Learn more here about what AACAP has to offer ECPs interested in learning more in the area of healthcare and economics.
Find out what AACAP has to offer ECPs who are interested in learning more in the area of healthcare and economics.
Starting your own private practice can lead to a satisfying career in child psychiatry; however, it requires an understanding of the economics of medicine. Explore this section to learn more about the financial logistics of private practice.
AACAP ECP Opportunities