Governance of the Academy Website

Approved by the Executive Committee September 1997
To be reviewed

The Website of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry supports the mission of the AACAP to promote mentally healthy children, adolescents, and families through research, training, advocacy, prevention, comprehensive diagnosis and treatment, peer support, and collaboration.

To this end the Website provides global access to information to anyone that has a computer at no charge, and provides members access to documents in development and fora for open discussions. Information on the Website is constantly updated to bring visitors the latest on legislative issues, practice issues, research findings, and general information on child and adolescent psychiatry and the mental illnesses that affect children and adolescents.

Oversight for the content of the Website is the responsibility of the Website Management Committee in cooperation with the Executive Director and the Director of Development and Communications. The Committee reports to the Executive Committee of the Academy.

Information approved by Academy governance bodies may be placed on the Website without further review by the Website Management Committee. In addition, information traditionally produced by Academy staff (Press Releases, Legislative Alerts, etc.) may be placed on the Website without further review. Scientific or medical information must contain author(s), references and sources of content, disclosure of ownership, and date posted. The Director of Development and Communications, with the Executive Director, will set priorities for information posted on the Website.

Information not approved through established Academy procedures will be reviewed by the Website Management Committee. Content must meet the established standards of the Academy and relate to the education of the membership or the public. AACAP standards will govern the acceptance of information or links with members, non-members, the general public, Assembly of Regional Councils, Regional Councils, Academy Components, for-profit organizations, and not-for-profit organizations.

A full description of the policies and procedures governing the AACAP Website is available in "Policies and Procedures for Management of the Website of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry," August 1997. The document is available on the AACAP Website.