The AACAP Rieger Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Award
The Psychotherapy Committee is interested in papers from members at all levels of experience (senior, mid-career, and trainees) and all areas of practice (private practice, clinical faculty, full-time academics, and researchers). Unpublished papers and papers published within the last three years may be submitted by their authors. Papers published within the last three years may be nominated by any member of AACAP.
The Award
- $4,500 prize;
- Delivery of an Honors Presentation at the AACAP Annual Meeting in October
- For an unpublished winning paper, future publication is not a requirement or promise of the award, but the author will be encouraged to submit the paper for peer review to the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry or a psychotherapy journal of the author's choosing. Editorial assistance will be provided, if requested.
Instructions for Authors
- No longer than 30 pages, double spaced;
- Papers may be new, unpublished or published within the last 3 years;
- A case or cases treated in psychodynamic psychotherapy modalities including the individual, family and group therapy or psychoanalysis;
- Demonstrate an understanding of the inner experience of the child;
- Demonstrate the use of the doctor-patient relationship as a vehicle for change;
- Report signs and symptoms to facilitate locating this case within the descriptive criteria of the DSM to allow comparison with reports and studies in the psychiatric literature; and
- Include a focused literature review of pertinent, current child and adolescent psychiatric writings.
Submission Process
- Deadline: April 18, 2025
- Please send an electronic copy of your paper to the attention of the Co-Chairs of the Psychotherapy Committee, c/o the AACAP Clinical Practice Department to
Do You Have Questions?
Please direct all questions to
The availability of all awards is contingent upon receipt of funding.